Tuesday, 14 May 2019

Quantum Superposition

{Cast: Khaleesi, Sansa Stark, Tyron Lannister; Guest cast: Khal Drogo}

Qubit -> In this example, a circuit that determines the selfishness in people’s minds
Superposition state: Oscillates between two states - selfish and selfless

Suppose Khaleesi carries lunch box every day. One day, her friends decide to go out for lunch. What does Khaleesi do with her lunch box?

Scenario A)
She could ping a colleague named Sansa Stark, who does not carry lunch, and give her the box. So there are two thoughts going on parallelly in Khaleesi’s mind, with different probabilities. 1) Selfless trait: Khaleesi wants Sansa Stark to have her box rather than spend money for the usually inferior canteen food; 2) Selfish trait: Why should Khaleesi give her food to Sansa Stark? After all, she is not a close friend.
Which trait has higher probability?
Khaleesi had an altercation with her spouse – Khal Drogo, over weekend regarding food. Today is Monday and if Khaleesi carries the filled box back to home, Khal Drogo may deem it as reprisal: he had prepared the food so earnestly. It is unlikely that Khaleesi will take the food home. She would rather give it to a friend or a colleague. So, the selfish feeling – that is, the inhibition to give the box to someone, is low. Selfless feeling to hand over the box to someone is high.

Scenario B)
Again, there are two parallel traits – 1) Khaleesi wants to give box to Sansa Stark out of her good mind; 2) But in this instance there was no altercation with Khal Drogo. In fact, she wants to eat Paneer Palak herself. The vegetable in the box will not deteriorate in the Icelandic landscape. So Khaleesi wants to take the food back home and eat it at night.
Her selfish trait is more dominant at that moment. In other words, there is higher probability that Khaleesi will act in a selfish manner at that time.

Nobody knows how Khaleesi is going to act in any given moment. Depending on the day, time or scenario Khaleesi will have different probabilities of selfish and selfless traits going on in her mind.
Let’s say a friend of Khaleesi – Tyron Lannister, wants to measure her nature at a specific point. Just before going to lunch party, Tyron advises Khaleesi to give the box to someone she knew. Now Khaleesi is in a fix. She has to act one way or the other. There is no ambiguity. If scenario A is in motion, Khaleesi would say ‘Good idea,’ ping Sansa Stark and hand over the box. Tyron will consciously or subconsciously register Khaleesi as a cool lady. If scenario B is in motion, Khaleesi would make some vague excuse. Here, Tyron would deem Khaleesi’s action as strange, and may even register her as a selfish person.

In Summary, Khaleesi has both selfish and selfless tendencies going on at all times – a superposition of two traits. Depending on time and scenario, the probabilities will be different. If someone wishes to test or measure Khaleesi’s nature and compels her to choose an action, one of the two traits will be exposed. That trait may not be an overall depiction of Khaleesi’s nature, but nonetheless she will be revealed in one or the other state/trait.

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